Stripe Q26。If you only accept credit card payments, are there any functions that can not be done with src_xxxx but only with tok_xxxx?



 状態:-  閲覧数:587  投稿日:2019-03-19  更新日:2019-03-21  
最初に結論 / 質問履歴26 / A

最初に結論 / 質問履歴26 / A

 閲覧数:300 投稿日:2019-03-19 更新日:2019-03-20 





If you only accept credit card payments, are there any functions that can not be done with src_xxxx but only with tok_xxxx?
Can all the functions that can be done with tok_xxxx be done with src_xxxx?

Even if you specify tok_xxxx or src_xxxx, it will be used by linking to the Customer object, so in the end is not the same thing?

Is checkout.js the only feature that can not be done with 'src_xxxx'?

The following PHP code works as expected, but is it better to use 'src_xxxx'?

   "source" => $_POST['stripeToken'],
   'email' => $_POST['stripeEmail'],

 "amount" => 777,
 "customer" => $customer->id,
 "currency" => "USD",

If you would like to make a one-time payment, is it better to use 'tok_xxxx'?

If you want to associate a customer with a one-time payment, is it better to 'src_xxxx'?

Isn't it recommended to implement everything with 'src_xxxx', as it is cumbersome?





   "source" => $_POST['stripeToken'],
   'email' => $_POST['stripeEmail'],

 "amount" => 777,
 "customer" => $customer->id,
 "currency" => "USD",


If you only accept credit card payments, are there any functions that can not be done with src_xxxx but only with tok_xxxx?



・あなたはstripe CheckoutかElementsを使ってsourceかtokenを作ることができる





 閲覧数:301 投稿日:2019-03-20 更新日:2019-03-20 


・クレジットカード、銀行振込、ATH、Alipay、WeChat Payなどの支払い方法



Source/Token は1回限り使用される

・Source/Token は、"consumed"になる

「source で charge」や「Customerオブジェクトへsourceを関連付け」など、「consumed」状態のsourceを再度使用すると
Reusable sources must be attached to a Customer in order to be reused. (If charged directly, their status will change to consumed.)

・高レベルのワークフローは、source作成 -> Customerオブジェクトへsourceを関連付け -> source id と customer idを使用して、CustomerオブジェクトへChargeする ことである

・Sourceオブジェクトの"usage"パラメータを "reusable"にするためには、Customerオブジェクトに保存または関連付けする必要がある
・また、Source IDとCustomer IDを一緒に使用する必要がある

source idを指定せずにCustomer IDのみを使用すると
・Customerオブジェクト のデフォルトのsourceが使用される

Stripe Q25。Why is it an error to use “token_xxxx” not associated with a Customer object for payment?

Stripe Q27。ダッシュボードやAPIドキュメントの表示内容変更などを知らせるページはありますか?


順位 ページタイトル抜粋
1 Stripe Q26。If you only accept credit card payments, are there any functions that can not be done with src_xxxx but only with tok_xxxx? 23
2 Stripe Q25。Why is it an error to use “token_xxxx” not associated with a Customer object for payment? 23
3 Stripe Q9。Checkout beta version で、webhookを受け取ると、client_reference_idがNULL 22
4 Stripe Q24。After attaching the source to the customer object, how do I check from the customer object? 22
5 Stripe Q20。「webhook」と「synchronous」と「Checkout beta version」について 21
6 Stripe Q8。Stripe Checkout public beta version について 21
7 Q63.No signatures found matching the expected signature for payload について 20
8 Stripe Q16。PaymentIntentの支払いで郵便番号入力を求められる。Radar rules の ZIP code を無効にしているのに 20
9 Stripe Q38。Difference between “paymentIntent.status === 'succeeded'” and “payment_intent.succeeded event of Webhook” 20
10 Stripe Q60. Checkout\SessionオブジェクトとPaymentIntentオブジェクトの関係性は1対1ですか? 20
11 Stripe Q34。I could create a Stripe account with the code below, but where can I find the code for this create method? 20
12 Stripe Q48。「Checkout\Session - server」「Charge」「PaymentIntent」の使い分け方 20
13 Stripe Q62.Webhook::constructEventで、SignatureVerificationエラーになるのですが… 20
14 Stripe Payments > COLLECTING PAYMENT DETAILS > Checkout 19
15 Stripe Q30。Checkout (new) の「Checkout Server Quickstart」の「Step 2: Add Checkout to your website」について 19
16 Stripe Q21。新規顧客作成時に新規ソースオブジェクトを添付したいのですが、No such token: src_xxxxとなります 19
17 Stripe Q72.Unexpected error communicating with Stripe. If this problem persists, let us know at (Network error [errno 77]: ) 19
18 Visa Global Security Summits 19
19 Stripe Payments > Quickstart / クイックスタート 18
20 Stripe Q46。Direct Charges で手数料聴取する場合、'payment_intent_data'の「有り」「無し」の違いは? 18
2024/7/27 12:52 更新
週間人気ページランキング / 7-20 → 7-26
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2024/7/27 1:02 更新