Stripe Q24。After attaching the source to the customer object, how do I check from the customer object?



 状態:-  閲覧数:626  投稿日:2019-03-17  更新日:2019-03-21  
質問履歴24 / A

質問履歴24 / A

 閲覧数:313 投稿日:2019-03-17 更新日:2019-03-17 


After attaching the source to the customer object, how do I check from the customer object?
$customer1 = \Stripe\Customer::create([
   "description" => "test",
   'email' => '',
$customerObj = \Stripe\Customer::retrieve($customer1->id);
$sourceObj = $customer->sources->create(["source" => 'src_xxxx']);

The source object has been created. I can understand this.

I can not understand where in the Customer object the source object was created.

How can I check the source object created above from the Customer object?


After attaching the source to the customer object, how do I check from the customer object?



$customer = \Stripe\Customer::retrieve('cus_EhrAhwK7W4OB41');

foreach($customer->sources->data as $key => $val){
 echo $val->id."<br>";

Stripe Q23。イベントで「新しい支払元が追加されました」と表示されているのに、「支払元がありません」

Stripe Q25。Why is it an error to use “token_xxxx” not associated with a Customer object for payment?


順位 ページタイトル抜粋
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3 Stripe Q25。Why is it an error to use “token_xxxx” not associated with a Customer object for payment? 25
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7 Stripe Q62.Webhook::constructEventで、SignatureVerificationエラーになるのですが… 24
8 Stripe Payments > COLLECTING PAYMENT DETAILS > Checkout 23
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10 Stripe Q26。If you only accept credit card payments, are there any functions that can not be done with src_xxxx but only with tok_xxxx? 22
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15 Stripe Q33。CustomerオブジェクトのcreateSourceメソッドのAPIドキュメントについて 22
16 Stripe Billing > Quickstart / クイックスタート 21
17 Stripe Q60. Checkout\SessionオブジェクトとPaymentIntentオブジェクトの関係性は1対1ですか? 21
18 Stripe Q43。payouts スケジュールについて 21
19 Stripe Payments > COLLECTING PAYMENT DETAILS / 支払い詳細の収集 > Checkout Reference 21
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2024/7/27 22:49 更新
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2024/7/27 1:02 更新